Yesterday morning, the Holy Spirit spoke to me from Luke 1:13, and I feel led to briefly pause our current series of teaching, and share it with you. I know it will greatly bless someone.

The Father wants us to know that, sometimes, the seeming delay in receiving answers to our prayers is not from the devil or because of something we may have done wrong. Sometimes the seeming delay in answered prayer is merely God orchestrating everything to align with His sovereign will and purpose. He works all things together for our good!

This was the lesson that the Holy Spirit taught me yesterday morning from Luke 1:13; where an angel appeared to Zacharias and informed him that his prayer had been heard and his wife would conceive and bear him a son.

Luke 1:13 NLT
“But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! GOD HAS HEARD YOUR PRAYER. Your wife, Elizabeth, will give you a son, and you are to name him John.””

Whilst meditating on this scripture, it dawned on me that Zacharias was an old man whose wife was also old; therefore, it was very unlikely that he was still praying for a child.

Luke 1:18 NKJV
“And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.””


  1. When the angel said, “God has heard your prayer,” which prayer was the angel referring to?

The angel was referring specifically to Zacharias’ prayer for a son.

  1. When did Zacharias pray that prayer?

He had prayed that prayer over and over again from his youth, when they first got married, and through the years. However, he had given up and was no longer praying about that because he considered both he and his wife now too old to have children.

  1. Why was there a seeming delay between the time that Zacharias prayed and the time the angel showed up with the good news that God had heard his prayer and answered?

The seeming delay in God hearing and answering Zacharias’ prayer for a child was because of the purpose and destiny of the child that God allocated and assigned to him and his wife; and the timing of that child’s purpose and destiny.

Luke 1:15-17 NLT
“[15] “For he will be great in the eyes of the Lord. He must never touch wine or other alcoholic drinks. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth. [16] And he will turn many Israelites to the Lord their God. [17] He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and he will cause those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly.””


The child that God was going to bless Zacharias and Elizabeth with had a prophetic purpose and destiny. (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 4:5-6)

Therefore, that child could never have been born a day earlier than God had ordained and destined for him to be born.


In fact, God heard and answered Zacharias and Elizabeth’s prayer for a child the moment they prayed, because they were righteous.

Luke 1:6 NLT
Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations.

Having observed their faithfulness and devotion to Him, the Lord answered their prayer by allocating and assigning to them, this particular child with a prophetic purpose and destiny.

However, the timing of the birth of this child could never be changed or hastened to accommodate Zacharias and Elizabeth’s desires, wishes and fears. Consequently, their age and physical limitations could also not stop God’s answer (the birth of this child) from manifesting in the fullness of time, God’s appointed time….

Luke 1:24,57 NLT
“[24] Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for five months… [57] When it was time for Elizabeth’s baby to be born, she gave birth to a son.”


  1. We must trust that God hears and answers our prayers immediately. (Daniel 9:21-23; Daniel 10:12)
  2. We must inquire from Him about any seeming delay and then enter into rest.
  3. We must be patient with God and believe that His answer will manifest in the fullness of time.

4 We must remain faithful to God and continue to serve Him, even when our prayers seem unanswered.

  1. When the appointed time comes, nothing can delay or stop the answer from manifesting.


The Lord gave me this WORD for someone: “Now is the fullness of time, now is the appointed time! God has heard your prayer and has already answered! What you asked for is about to manifest. It shall no longer be delayed because the appointed time has come!”

If this word is for you, just begin to praise and thank the Father for answered prayer!

For Further Reading: Genesis 18:9-13; Genesis 21:1-3; Psalm 102:13; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 84:11

Fulfilling Our Theme For 2024: “Building The Highway And Lifting The Banner”

“And in that day, there shall be a Root of Jesse, who shall stand as a banner to the people; for the Gentiles shall seek Him…. (therefore) Go through, go through the gates! Prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway! Take out the stones, lift up a banner for the peoples!”” [Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 62:10]

Women In Tune | QUIVER | Cedars House Christian (International)

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